Hacienda Chichen's operational protocols includes a complete sanitization in each room, in addition we have certified our house team with a Legionella pneumophila and COV19 strict cleaning practices for you to have additional healthy environment, during your stay at the hacienda.
Take time to be in contact with Mother Nature at our botanical gardens and Maya Jungle Reserve, where wild flora and fauna will bring you full surprises as you come in contact with its creative life.

Hacienda Chichen Resort & Yaxkin Spa's
An intimate encounter with the Maya Culture
"We humans have master many arts that have let us to our current civilization, but humankind has yet to learn and master the most critical of them all: the art of living on planet Earth as an integral body of the Universe's manifestation of life; we are yet to reconcile with our human true nature and learn living in harmony with all that exists within the vast ocean of visible matter and non-visible life forces. "
Senior J'Men, Ildefonso Ake Cocom
Kuch Kaab Y'Eetel J'Men Maaya'Ob, NGO,

Maya Cosmo-vision focus on the subtle holistic understanding of reality emphasizing the importance of learning to view the Universe as a dynamic fabric of ever-changing living energies, unfolding, expanding, contracting in a dance of conscious creativeness; where energies flow from invisible to visible live forms, evolving and regenerating every moment. The Maya Cosmo-vision awakens our awareness that the Universe is a living conscious entity, a holistic unified continuum of creative spiritual powers, manifesting as a vast ocean of amazing life expressions & unfolding realities.

“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe – a spirit vastly superior to that of men.”
Albert Eistein
Nobel Prize in Physics

Since Solstice of June 21, 2007, the J-Men and Elder Wiseman, members of the non-profit organization, KUCH KAAB Y'EETEL J'MEN MAAYA'OB, A.C., celebrate their Mayan Cosmo-vision rituals, at the Maya Sacred Ceremonial Garden donated to them by Hacienda Chichen Resort owners, in an effort to support Maya traditions and cultura heritage. The site is located within the hotel's Maya Jungle Reserve, part of Chichen Itza's ancient sacred land.